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PHP Programming Language

PHP Programming Language in Khanna

Want to get the Best PHP Programming language Training in Khanna ? Micro Wave Computer Institutes provides all the fundamental and complete knowledge of PHP course. Also, Micro Wave Computer Institute is the best place to learn new skills and upgrade the existing ones to which assist you to enhance the quality of your work. Therefore, Micro Wave Computer Institute is considered as the best place  to get a Best PHP Programming Language Training in Khanna. PHP is a widely-used open source  general purpose scripting language  which is used to write the code of the website. 

Instead of manually writing HTML files, a number of web developers program PHP to automatically generate them. As  PHP has a very high scope, it is worthwhile to learn this program for students as well as for developers.  The demand for PHP is increasing day by day because of its exceptional features. Furthermore, If you want to enter this industry, joining the PHP Training Institute in Khanna will be beneficial for you. 

Why Choose Us For Best PHP Programming Language Training In Khanna?

Micro Wave Computer Institute provides the Best PHP Programming Language Training in Khanna which assists students to easily analyse every section of this course in detail. In our PHP course you will know PHP Variables, Variable Scope, Syntax, Echo vs. Print and Data Output, Keywords, PHP Strings, Operators, Constants, etc. All our staff members are well qualified and cooperative who are experts in their respective fields and passionate towards delivering inspiring PHP courses and they will provide you with both the practical as well as theoretical learning. In our PHP course, you will learn the fundamental concept of PHP. We do our best to provide our students with a good experience of learning. 

Syllabus Of Best PHP Programming Language Training In Khanna

Introduction To PHP

 Basic Syntax, Evaluation of Php, Php Data type, Defining variable and constant, Operator and Expression.

Decisions And Loop

Doing Repetitive tasks with looping, Making Decisions, Mixing Decisions and looping with Html. 


What is a function, Define a function, , String Creating and accessing, Call by value and Call by reference, Recursive function String Searching & Replacing String, Formatting String,  String Related Library function 


Creating index based and Associative array, Anatomy of an Array, Accessing array,  Looping with associative array using each () and foreach(), Element Looping with Index based array,Some useful Library function. 

Handling HTML Form With PHP

Data Dealing with Multi-value field, Capturing Form, Generating File uploaded form, and redirecting a form after submission.

Working With File And Directories

Understanding file or directory, a file,  Opening and closing, Coping, working with directories, renaming and deleting a file, File Uploading & Downloading, Creating and deleting folder

Session And Cookie 

What is a Cookie, Introduction to Session Control, Session Functionality, Setting Cookies with PHP. Deleting Cookies, Using Cookies with Sessions,  Destroying the variables and Session, Registering Session variables

Database Connectivity With MySql 

Introduction to RDBMS, Connection with MySql Database, Setting query parameter, Performing basic database operation(DML) (Insert, Delete, Update, Select), Executing queryJoin (Cross joins, Inner joins, Outer Joins, Self joins.)

Exception Handling 

Error tracking and debugging, Understanding Exception and error, Try, catch, throw.

Structure Of PHP Training Module

  1. Introduction to PHP
  2. Taking User Input from Forms via PHP
  3. Variables and Expressions in PHP
  4. PHP Operators
  5. Conditional Tests and Events in PHP
  6. PHP Flow Control
  7. PHP Configuration
  8. PHP Functions
  9. Storing Data in Arrays using PHP
  10. Handling Databases with PHP
  11. String Manipulation in PHP
  12. Sessions and Cookies in PHP
  13. File and Directory Access Using PHP

MySQL Databases

  1. Database Basics
  2. Loading a Database
  3. MySQL command Interpreter
  4. Creating a database
  5. Modifying a database
  6. Administering a database

What Will You Learn In Our PHP Course Training In Khanna

Once you have completed your course, you will have an extensive understanding of PHP through proper training of each and every concept related to PHP from our experienced and qualified instructors. Be a part of our PHP  training course program and get the best knowledge about PHP. We promise you to provide the best learning experience. 

  1. Process of debugging the PHP code
  2. Get opportunity to learn the best way to use variables
  3. Basics of using a PHP library
  4. Will read a configuration file
  5. The trainee will discover the code reuse, return data from a function from this course, feeding a function, 
  6. Database connectivity methods
  7. Understanding of Common security threats

Job Opportunities After Completing PHP Course From Micro Wave Computer Institute

  1. Command-line Scripting
  2. Database Concepts
  3. Web Development Careers
  4. Server-side Scripting
  5. Desktop Application Development
  6. Compiler Based Applications
  7. Computer Programming


The duration of PHP Computer Course in Khanna at Micro Wave Computer Institute is 1 Months.

Eligiblity To Join The Best PHP Programming Language Training In Khanna

If you are willing to enhance your career in the field of web development, joining the training of this course will be beneficial for you. Also, those who want to take their career to the next level, joining PHP Course is best option for them.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a popular server-side scripting language primarily used for web development. It is embedded within HTML code and executed on the web server to generate dynamic content, such as web pages and applications.

    PHP is executed on the server, generating content before it's sent to the client's web browser. It is often used for tasks like processing forms, interacting with databases, and generating dynamic web pages. JavaScript, on the other hand, is a client-side language executed in the browser, enabling interactivity and dynamic behaviour directly on the user's device.

    PHP is commonly used for:

    1. Creating dynamic web pages and web applications.
    2. Processing form data and interacting with databases.
    3. Implementing user authentication and access control.
    4. Generating and managing session data for user interactions.
    5. Building content management systems (CMS) and e-commerce platforms.
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